Build Android Apps On A Mac

In addition to setting up virtual devices, it is possible to set up physical devices. These devices can be accessed after they have been appropriately configured for debugging.

  1. Mac Os On Android
  2. Can I Build Android Apps On Mac
  3. Build Android Apps On A Mac Pc

Install the appropriate device drivers for the devices you would like to use. Details of how to do this can be found at the Android Developer Website here:

Dec 27, 2011  Android apps are written in Java code, so you'll need a Java development kit installed on your PC. You also need an integrated development environment (IDE) so you can write and test the code. Jan 18, 2017  The macOS App Store is home to thousands of apps and you could potentially get an app for almost anything. But while you’re busy foraging for new apps, it’s easy to miss out on the stock Mac apps. Apple bundles a lot of useful apps into the Mac and today I’ll tell you about 7 handy built-in Mac apps you may not know about: 1. Android development primarily takes place with Java and in Eclipse (which itself runs on Java) and therefore is cross platform. Download the SDK for Mac; Following the installation instructions; This all-in-one post might be easier to follow for you. If you run into problems a simple Google or post in their Google Group will usually yield a result. Aug 29, 2017  In this crazy world in which we now live, you can also use a free Mac version of Microsoft Visual Studio to create Android applications as well, although you still need to install Google’s SDK, you can do it without Android Studio. It has the bene. You can execute all the build tasks available to your Android project using the Gradle wrapper command line tool. It's available as a batch file for Windows (gradlew.bat) and a shell script for Linux and Mac (, and it's accessible from the root of each project you create with Android Studio.To run a task with the wrapper, use one of the following commands from a Terminal window.

The relevant device must be set to debug mode, once the necessary drivers are installed. To enable debug mode, please see your manufactures recommend instructions for doing so. An example for a Galaxy S3 running Android 4.1.1 is-

1) Go to Settings> About> Software Information> More

2. Now Scroll onto Build Number and tap it 7 times repeatedly. After tapping the build number 5 times you’ll see a message “Press it two more times to be a developer!” and after tapping 7 times you’ll see message “You are now a developer” or “Developer mode has been enabled”

3) Navigate to Settings> Developer options

4) Check option for Android Debugging

Google is committed to advancing racial equity for Black communities. See how.

Follow these instructions to begin building Android.

Set up environment

Initialize the environment with the script:


See the script atplatform/build/ for descriptions of related commands, including lunch for selecting device targets and tapas for building unbundled apps, such as the reference TV app.

You will need to re-issue this command after every repo sync to pick upany changes to that script. Note that replacing source with . (a singledot) saves a few characters, and the short form is more commonly used in documentation.

The script imports several commands that enableyou to work with the Android source code, including the commands used in thisexercise. Here are some important command examples:

  • lunch - lunch product_name-build_variant selects product_name as the product to build, and build_variant as the variant to build, and stores those selections in the environment to be read by subsequent invocations of m and other similar commands.
  • m - Runs builds from the top of the tree.This is usefulbecause you can run make from within subdirectories. If you havethe TOP environment variable set, it uses that. If you don't, itlooks up the tree from the current directory, trying to find the top of thetree. You can either build the whole source code tree by running mwithout arguments or build specific targets by specifying their names.
  • mma - Builds all of the modules in thecurrent directory, and their dependencies.
  • mmma - Builds all of the modules in thesupplied directories, and their dependencies.
  • croot - cd to the top of thetree.

To see the full list of available commands, run:

Choose a target

Choose which target to build with lunch. The exact configurationcan be passed as an argument. For example, the following command refers to acomplete build for the emulator, with all debugging enabled:

If run with no arguments, lunch prompts you to choose atarget from the menu. See Selectinga device build for the build configurations of all existing devices.

All build targets take the form BUILD-BUILDTYPE, where theBUILD is a codename referring to the particular feature combination. The BUILDTYPE is one of the following.

userLimited access; suited for production
userdebugLike user but with root access and debug capability; preferred for debugging
engDevelopment configuration with additional debugging tools

The userdebug build should behave the same as the user build, with theability to enable additional debugging that normally violates the securitymodel of the platform. This makes the userdebug build good for user testingwith greater diagnosis capabilities. When developingwith the userdebug build, follow theuserdebug guidelines.

The eng build prioritizes engineering productivity for engineers who work onthe platform. The eng build turns off various optimizations used to provide agood user experience. Otherwise, the eng build has behavior similar to the userand userdebug builds so that device developers can see how the code behaves inthose environments.

For more information about building for and running on actual hardware, seeRunning Builds.

Building the code

Build android apps on mac

This section is a quick summary to ensure that setup is complete.

Build everything with m. m can handle paralleltasks with a -jN argument. If you don't provide a -jargument, the build system automatically selects a parallel task count that itthinks is optimal for your system.

As explained above, you can build specific modules instead of the fulldevice image by listing their names in your m command line. Inaddition, m provides some pseudotargets for special purposes. Someexamples are:

Mac Os On Android

  • droid - m droid is the normalbuild. This target is here because the default target requires a name.
  • all - m all builds everythingthat m droid does, plus everything that doesn't have thedroid tag. The build server runs this to make sure that everythingthat is in the tree and has an file builds.
  • clean - m clean deletes all ofthe output and intermediate files for this configuration. This is the same asrm -rf out/.

Run m help to see what other pseudotargets mprovides.

Run it!

You can either run your build on an emulator or flash it on a device. Because you've already selected your build target with lunch, it's unlikely to run on a different target than it was built for.

Note: Remember to obtain proprietary binaries or your build won't boot successfully on your target hardware. Sometimes the source might have different binaries for different builds and branches. If you obtain binary blobs at this point, you need to unpack them, m installclean, and rebuild. For more information on this process, see Downloading the source.

Can I Build Android Apps On Mac

Flashing with fastboot

To flash a device, use fastboot, which shouldbe included in your path after a successful build. See Flashing a device forinstructions.

Emulating an Android device

The emulator is added to your path automatically by the build process. Torun the emulator, type:


Troubleshooting common builderrors

Wrong Java version

If you're attempting to build a version of Android that's inconsistent withyour version of Java, make aborts with a message such as:

Here are the likely causes and solutions:

  • Failure to install the correct JDK as specified in JDK Requirements. Make sure you'vefollowed the steps in Setting up the environment andChoosing a target.
  • Another JDK previously installed appearing in your path. Prepend thecorrect JDK to the beginning of your path or remove the problematic JDK.

Python version 3

Repo is built on particular functionality from Python 2.x and isincompatible with Python 3. To use Repo, install Python 2.x:

Case-insensitive file system

If you're building on an HFS file system on macOS, you may encounter anerror such as:

Follow the instructions inCreating a case-sensitive disk image.

No USB permission

Build Android Apps On A Mac Pc

By default on most Linux systems, unprivileged users can't access USB ports.If you see a permission denied error, follow the instructions inConfiguring USB access.

If [adb]( was already running and can't connect to the device aftergetting those rules set up, you can kill it with adb kill-server.That command causes adb to restart with the new configuration.